Hot, Hot, Hot

Phew . . . it’s been one hot day!

I got up for the 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. Masses.  This morning, around 11:15 a.m., I went into the back yard to water our new trees.  They have water bags that are filled every other day to provide enough water to the roots.  By the time I filled up the bags around the five new trees, a half hour had passed and I was ready to pass out.

Really.  It was HOT out there.

I went inside, doused myself with tepid water — didn’t want to shock my system — and then went over to the parish office to finish work on the pastor’s page and bulletin cover for this coming weekend’s bulletin.

I spent the rest of the late afternoon and evening resting up and am ready, once again, to hit the sack.  Hopefully, tomorrow, I will be back to my normal, bouncy self. 🙂

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