Firsts are so important. We all remember our memorable firsts: our first job, our first car, our first love, et cetera.
This morning, I was privileged to help with a special first: First Confession. First Confessions are always special. The children are excited and scared at the same time. They can walk into the confessional full of confidence and, as soon as they sit down, end up with a blank mind because of their fright or nervousness.
It is also a privilege to guide them through their first experience of the sacrament because it will mark how and when they will return. If their fear is not helped, they will remain away from the sacrament for a long time.
I hope the children’s experience this morning was a good one. They were well prepared for the sacrament and it appeared to be a joyful experience for them.
Congratulations, children at St. Andrew the Apostle in Merrillville on the celebration of your First Confession!