Tonight, we celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. I felt sorry for my associate pastor, Fr. Declan, as this was his first Triduum after his ordination last summer. He was the principal celebrant tonight. It was almost like he was cheated out of the “full meal deal” of Holy Thursday. No foot washing. No Eucharistic Procession. None of the frills, well, except for a little incense here and there.
On Holy Thursday, we commemorate the institution of the Eucharist and we also remember our priests. Priests are the ones who confect the Eucharist for us at Mass. We are thankful to all who have said “yes” to the call to the priesthood and ask God to protect them and bless them in their ministries.
This year’s Triduum, I believe, will be taking a toll on all faithful Catholics as they find themselves deprived of going to church for Mass. However, in the midst of this pandemic, the more responsible thing to do is to remain in our homes so as to slow the progress of the virus and give those afflicted a better chance at medical care at local hospitals.
We will be in our churches later this year. I can only imagine the joy of the congregation on that first weekend back!
In the meantime, I implore some of my brother ministers of other faiths: please do not have Easter services, even in parking lots. You are risking the health of those who congregate in one area together. I don’t think the Lord wants you to encourage the spread of sickness. I think He would be more pleased with your doing all that you could to protect your people.
Do what so many of us are doing: live-stream your services.
The Triduum begins. See you tomorrow on Good Friday.