Some anniversaries are never easy. Twenty-eight years ago today, my mother was called to her eternal home. She had a rough time the past couple years of her life as Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) consumed her. I was at the house the last day/night of her life.
My mom taught to the very end. She taught me when I was quite young to do all the things necessary to be considered good. She taught me patience in my middle years. Toward the end of her life, she taught us all about looking forward to death. She was not frightened. She was looking forward to it with expectation and relief.
A few days before she died, I told her that it looked as if her time was near and she managed to give me a small smile and a bit of a thumbs up. That was all her disease would allow her to do but it spoke volumes. She was happy that her time to meet the Lord was coming. I hope I can be as hopeful when my time draws near.
Blessed anniversary, Mom.