The skies today were phenomenal. There were many times that clouds leapt up all over the place. Big, bushy clouds pure white against a vivid sky-blue background. Wonderful sights.
Coming home from dinner, we were looking at several cloud formations. We had a storm front come through thought it didn’t rain much. However, cloud columns were here and there in the sky. There was even a vertical rainbow going through the clouds that I was not able to get on camera.
When we got back to the retreat house, we were treated to colors of the sunset through the clouds overhead. Such an inspiring sight.
Tomorrow’s our last full day on retreat. Friday, we check out at 11:00 a.m. and start making our way home. We’ll stop for lunch in Terre Haute (we’re hoping our favorite Chinese restaurant is still there and open) and should be home by late afternoon. Saturday will be business as usual.
For now, I’m going to open my Kindle and continue on in a book I am reading. Until tomorrow, g’night.
Those views are breathtaking!!!
Uh huh!